Artificial Intelligence News

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Microsoft releases a "topic mining" tool that creates Wikipedia-like knowledge resources for companies

November 4th

The technology will allow employees to explore data and jump across documents, personel profiles, and automated project pages.

Microsoft wins the Pentagon's long-contested JEDI cloud computing contract

October 28th

Amazon was the favorite for much of the yearlong bidding process.

Google will update its Pixel 4 face unlock feature to require users have their eyes open

October 22nd

The company came under fire for the security lapse, which hypothetically allows others to unlock the phone while the owner is sleeping or incapacitated.

People in the News

Google DeepMind has open sourced a tool to restore and decipher ancient texts

October 21st

The tool is described as an assistive method for recovering the meaning of damaged historical records.

Chinese AI startup Megvii still plans an IPO despite US blacklist

October 18th

Facial recognition company Megvii, one of China's largest AI startups, previously said the blacklisting could hurt its IPO push.

OpenAI taught its robot to solve a rubik's cube one-handed

October 17th

The feat was a step toward general-pupose robotics, according to the company.

MIT is reviewing research relationship with SenseTime following US blacklist

October 16th

The two began their "MIT-SenseTime Alliance" last year, and provided funding for over 20 ambitious projects across MIT.

Facebook releases Captum, a tool it says will help explain the decisions made by its machine learning frameworks

October 15th

Captum pulls data from neural networks mid-task.

DABUS, an AI that created two patentable products, is now a patent itself

October 14th

For months, the debate over whether a non-human can be listed as an inventor on a patent has focused on DABUS's inventions. Now, DABUS itself is patented.

Microsoft's artist-in-residence creates a two-story structure "where architecture and artificial intelligence merge"

October 13th

The hanging installation inside Microsoft's Redmond campus reacts to people's behavior in real time.